“I started calling this series “Inner Landscapes.” I like the idea that we have an inner landscape—a map created from emotions, ideas, and sensations collected throughout our lives. This map of our journey is always pulling us back to our center, to our quiet place, and for me, that place is my connection to the natural world. Many of the woods I paint are from Maine, where I grew up, and that’s where I created these unseen roots that ground me today. I’ll often paint the trees taller than they are and with reaching branches that feel like a dancer’s arms. They become women leaning on and embracing each other in an interconnected web.” - Megan Aline, Quote from Charleston Magazine

The technique of creating motion with brush strokes, the actual act of painting, fascinates me. This meditative practice mirrors much of my time growing up in the quiet woods of Maine where minutes melted into hours and time faded away. Painting the themes of time, nature, recreation, and light provide a source of identification for me. As I sit at the easel I am transported back to younger days. My painting style indicates that the precision of detail and attention to form are as important as the easy grace and melodious balance of the overall composition.